Fast Charging No Longer Working topic


I wanted to share this in case anyone ever experiences the same problem. I had my Note 4 since it was released in October and didn't have any issues until roughly a week ago. All of a sudden, the phone would not fast charge. Whenever connected to the fast charging adapter, it would detect it and charge, but it would not give the fast charge notification and would charge extremely slowly (8 hours to get a full charge from near empty). In addition, my PCs would no longer be able to access it and the phone would not give the MTP option menu when connected. I tried multiple cables, outlets, fast chargers, and batteries in addition to toggling the fast charge setting, wiping the cache, and performing a factory reset - but nothing helped. I finally called verizon and they sent me a new note 4 and everything was working again.....

Three days passed and the same exact issue occurred again on the replacement phone. This makes me believe that the Samsung charger I have has somehow deteriorated and is now breaking the usb connectivity on the phone. I contacted samsung and am getting a replacement for the charger and will have to get ANOTHER replacement phone from verizon (after they finish processing my first replacement).

So if anyone has a similar issue, I would suggest getting a new charger in addition to the phone replacement so you don't have to go through the entire process again. I could be wrong that the charger caused this, but I can't think of anything else besides the recent lollipop upgrade - but everything was working for several days on lollipop for both phones.

If anyone has ideas on how to fix this, please let me know. I can't return the second phone until the first one is processed so no fast charging or PC connection until then. Thanks


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