[Q] New to phone - on 24A rooted - where to go from here? topic


I am new to the LG G2 but not new to Android. I have searched for the past couple hours on where to go from here but I am stuck on putting all the puzzle pieces together. This is the first LG phone I have had so I am not too familiar with all the different types of files for this device. I got my phone last night and it had updated to the latest update OTA of 39A I believe it is. I tried all the recent rooting threads I could find but nothing ever got past pushing the 'SH' command that so many seem to be stuck at. I spent some time this morning using the LGFlashTool and TOT to go back to 11A. That worked successfully and everything I read seemed like people were having no trouble getting root thru kitkat. So I took the OTA's to 24A. This is where I currently am. I used StumpRoot and was able to root with RootChecker verifying.

TLDR; I am on 24A with root. I need direction on where to go from here. Links are helpful but I can find what I need if you just tell me what to look for. I think the next step is to get TWRP on my phone. (I downloaded VS980_AutoRec.apk that I hope will take care of that and at least get v2.7 on my device.) I would like to get to 39A rooted so I can begin flashing the awesome ROMs the developers work so hard on. With root can I take the 27A OTA and keep root? Do I need to find a kdz file? etc?


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