Super hard bricked Oneplus One. topic


Okay, so I was flashing full stock + unroot using WugFresh Bacon Root Toolkit.
It got up to flashing the RPM, completed that and then rebooted into bootloader.. It never rebooted it just shut down and didn't come back on.
Dead screen, can't reboot into bootloader, fastboot, normal reboot, nothing on screen at all ever, the charging LED doesn't even come on.
Device is not recognised on my computer at all, under any device name.
Took the back casing off, unhooked the battery and rehooked it back on again.. Nothing.
Thinking the phone is well and truly f*cked.
What are my options guys? Contact Oneplus customer service and play roulette to see if I actually get a response from them within a 3 month period and then have to face the gigantic cost of posting the phone back to them from Australia on the hopes of getting a new one? Or just buy a new phone, the S6 just came out so that's an option.


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