[Q] Time is badly incorrect topic


We have two Note 4s in our house. One of them has the correct time, and the other one is suddenly off by 1:07. Both of the phones are set up exactly the same way:

Automatic Time Zone - Check
Automatic Date and Time - Check

Both of them show the time zone as GMT -6:00, Mountain Daylight Time

Both phones are running 4.4.4, N910VVRU1ANI1. I haven't taken any OTA updates on either phone.

I have installed nothing on either phone in at least a week.

I've tried rebooting the phone a couple of times, but it hasn't made any difference.

Both phones are sitting right next to one another, so they're on the same tower.

WiFi is on for both phones. Both phones have location with high accuracy turned on. I have tried shutting off wifi and location and rebooting, it made no difference.

I've run out of ideas. Anyone else have any ideas for me to try?



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