[Q] Recovering files from messed up SD card and other problems with GT-i9506. topic
So around christmas time my phone stock Galaxy S4 GT-i9506 4.4.2 started getting weird.
I kept wondering why my sound profile kept changing to something else eventough I've set it ie. for vibrate.
One day I noticed what was going on.
Everytime I open "settings" no matter how, through the gear in the upper corner of the notification drop down screen or from the app drawer, whatever...
My phone changes the sound profile automatically to silent. Once I exit the "settings" area alltogether the sound profile automatically changes to sound again.
No matter what profile I had to begin with it changes to silent when entering the "settings" area and to sound when exiting the "settings" area.
This problem still exists.
Problem number 2 :
My phone started to randomly get really hot during which the battery drained really fast. And sometimes the phone would freeze.
Shutting down and starting the phone always made the phone work as normal again.
Next phase was that the phone started to randomly get hot again as before but this time the phone went to a boot loop.
The phone kept restarting itself over and over again.
Next phase was that on top of the boot loop the phone kept unmounting and mounting the SD card. A Kingston micro SDHC 16GB class 4 card that wasn't too full.
Shutting down by removing the battery and starting again made the phone stable for a while. While the phone was stable "Gallery" functioned normally as any way of browsing the files on the SD card.
I still figured that the SD card was the problem, I removed it and the phone was back to normal apart from the sound profile problem.
Now to the things I need help the most.
I really need the files from the SD card but the SD Card wont open anymore in any computer, card reader or phone I've tried.
How can I recover the files from the SD card? A file recovering program perhaps?
What program is the best for this? It doesn't have to be free.
Also I guess an factory reset would fix the sound profile issue and some other occasional problems, but I would like to keep my phone as it is .
Is there a way to backup the whole phone, and do a factory reset and then restore every app, setting, file etc. I MEAN EVERYTHING back as they were? I just wan't my phone as it is without these bugs.
So around christmas time my phone stock Galaxy S4 GT-i9506 4.4.2 started getting weird.
I kept wondering why my sound profile kept changing to something else eventough I've set it ie. for vibrate.
One day I noticed what was going on.
Everytime I open "settings" no matter how, through the gear in the upper corner of the notification drop down screen or from the app drawer, whatever...
My phone changes the sound profile automatically to silent. Once I exit the "settings" area alltogether the sound profile automatically changes to sound again.
No matter what profile I had to begin with it changes to silent when entering the "settings" area and to sound when exiting the "settings" area.
This problem still exists.
Problem number 2 :
My phone started to randomly get really hot during which the battery drained really fast. And sometimes the phone would freeze.
Shutting down and starting the phone always made the phone work as normal again.
Next phase was that the phone started to randomly get hot again as before but this time the phone went to a boot loop.
The phone kept restarting itself over and over again.
Next phase was that on top of the boot loop the phone kept unmounting and mounting the SD card. A Kingston micro SDHC 16GB class 4 card that wasn't too full.
Shutting down by removing the battery and starting again made the phone stable for a while. While the phone was stable "Gallery" functioned normally as any way of browsing the files on the SD card.
I still figured that the SD card was the problem, I removed it and the phone was back to normal apart from the sound profile problem.
Now to the things I need help the most.
I really need the files from the SD card but the SD Card wont open anymore in any computer, card reader or phone I've tried.
How can I recover the files from the SD card? A file recovering program perhaps?
What program is the best for this? It doesn't have to be free.
Also I guess an factory reset would fix the sound profile issue and some other occasional problems, but I would like to keep my phone as it is .
Is there a way to backup the whole phone, and do a factory reset and then restore every app, setting, file etc. I MEAN EVERYTHING back as they were? I just wan't my phone as it is without these bugs.
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