[Tutorial] How to Deodex Lollipop System Files - One by One topic


Hey guys,

I write this tutorial to help guys deodex individual apps and not all apps or not to do batch deodex.

There are few good tools to Batch Deodex Roms but I found one by one tutorial which was not properly framed...

Though the credits goes to the creator of the tool.

I dont take any credits for that tool and here I just write up a tutorail on how to do it.

Step by Step Tutorial:

- First of all download this zip file of the tools required for the process - Link

- Now, extract the files of the zip to any folder.

- Head over to the directory you extracted the tools. It will contain many files such as baksmali, smali, 7zip etc..

- Now press Shift+Right Click and select Open Command Window Here.

- Now just copy the apk and the .odex.art.xz and odex.xz files in that directory.

- Now in command prompt type the following commands.

Note: Replace * With the name of the apk. (If you dont get it see the Post #2 for eg)


7za x *.odex.xz


oat2dex.bat *.odex


oat2dex.bat *.odex temp.dex


java -jar baksmali-2.0.3.jar -a 21 -x temp.dex -o deodex


java -jar smali-2.0.3.jar -a 21 deodex -o classes.dex


7za u -tzip *.apk classes.dex

Now, the apk you initially coppied is now dexoded. Now you can use that apk the way you want :D

See post #2 for example :)


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