[Q] can't write bootloader and i not have network Xperia Z topic



I unlock my Xperia Z succesfull. I installed cm11 succesfull. But...
I flash one bad kernel! After flash my Sony wasgoes wrong...
After just i can flash original sony rom.... /can root, can install recovery /locked bootloader//
now i not have network. Sim card is ok. Xperia asq for me the pin code, i give it and i not have network...
The sim card is working other phone.

I have fastboot... I tried reflash boot.img but fastboot told me remote command not allowed!
Via flashtool i can lock relock bootloader but the Bootloader Status: Not rootable
Driver is ok. I try other computer. the failer is same!

You have idea that i repaird my phone?

Sorry for the bad english!


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