[Q] Apps can't write into internal memory topic


Hey guy,
I'm a noob to all these flashing and custom roms on android.
Just to leave stuff clear, i own a Huawei Ascend P6, initially was running Emotion UI 2.0. I disliked the stock UI that my phone had, so I decided to flash it and install a custom ROM. I downloaded the recovery TWRP image, to run it I used an app called Rashr. It worked perfectly, once I entered the TWRP recovery mode i wiped the phone and then installed the custom ROM which was OmniROM 4.4.4 for Huawei P6. It worked great, no issues on booting and loading. It was until I installed Whatsapp and noticed I could't download pics nor send and then I realized I just could't write anything into the internal memory of the phone, most apps would have problems running because they just could't write anything into the internal memory. However, I could see all my pics and listen to the music that was on my external SD card. After looking for a solution in these forums I found some people managed to fix this by using a terminal and typing "su" and then "restorecon -v -R /data/media" but it didn't work for me, I tried it using 'Terminal Emulator for Android'. I really do not know what else to do, can anyone help or guide me out or is it a lost case? Thanks in advance guys. Buonanotte a tutti, ciao!


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