[WIP] Enable additional 3G / LTE Band on YU Yureka topic



After reboot Values reset to Orignal setting (Reset)
need to prevent NV recovery

Please dont post till I reserve only 1 Post more

1. Download attached file (UPLOAD IN PROGRESS) containing all the necessary files and extract it on desktop.

2. Enable Android Debugging on your phone and connect it to your computer,

3. Open up ADB and type the following:


adb shell
setprop sys.usb.config diag,adb

4. Launch Device Manager go to & expand Other Devices,
Right click Android (or something related) listed under that menu
Choose Update Driver Software,
Browse my computer for driver software,
Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer,

Just Click Next,
Have Disk,
Browse to where you extracted YU Diagnostics Driver folder
Inside you will find 32bit and 64bit versions, pick one as per your OS
Select htcdiag.inf (for 32bit) or HtcUsbMdmV64.inf (for 64bit) file that you will Open.
Accept all warning messages and let the installation of the driver complete.

5. Once everything is done installing, under Modems or Ports (Com & LPT) in Device Manager you will find HTC USB Modem.
Right click and select Properties; in this you will see Port: COM<number>. Remember that COM<number> or write it down.

6. Open QPST v2.7 Build 4.11 > run as administrator setup.exe (Don’t run QPST.2.7.411.msi)

7. Open QPST Configuration from Start Menu,
Go to the Ports tab,
Click on Add New Port (right bottom corner);
In the Port field type in the COM<number> you wrote down/remembered from step 5 and in Port Label type YU and finally click OK (left bottom corner).
If you've followed all the steps correctly until here, you should be able to see something like this in the Active Phones tab:

Attachment 3258366

Keep QPST Configuration window open

8. Open QXDM-3.12.714 > run as administrator setup.exe (Don’t run QXDMInstaller.msi)

9. Open QXDM Professional (run as administrator),
go to Options menu,
Select Communications
Set Target port to your phone COM<number> you wrote down/remembered from step 5 from dropdown list, Press OK.

Attachment 3258367

10. Back to QXDM main window, in the "View" drop-down menu, selects NV Browser

Attachment 3258368

now the fun part begins

Attachment 3258369

11. Inside the NV Browser window,
Scroll down and click on line 01877 (rf_bc_config)
Click the Read button save original value in notepad in case something goes wrong.
Replace Input value with 3460734838925427584
Click on Write button.

12. Inside the NV Browser window,
Scroll down and click on line 00946 (band_pref_16_31);
Click the Read button, save original value in notepad in case something goes wrong.
Replace Input value with 0x0FF8 (please don't be an idiot and don't edit the empty one with "nam" in the name)
Click on Write button.

13. Inside the NV Browser window,
scroll down and click on line 02954 (band_pref_32_63);
click the Read button, save original value in notepad in case something goes wrong.
replace Input value with 805765120 (please don't be an idiot and don't edit the empty one with "nam" in the name)
click on Write button.

14. Inside the NV Browser window,
scroll down and click on line 00441 (band_pref);
click the Read button, save original value in notepad in case something goes wrong.
replace Input value with 0x380 or 0xFFFF (please don't be an idiot and don't edit the empty one with "nam" in the name)
click on Write button.
If you have problem with selection, you can edit it directly from your phone: *#*#4636#*#* /Phone information /Menu /Select radio band > Automatic

15. Inside the NV Browser window,
scroll down and click on line 06828 (lte_bc_config);
click the Read button, save original value in notepad in case something goes wrong.
replace Input value with 1904863 (please don't be an idiot and don't edit the empty one with "ext" in the name)
click on Write button.

16. Now Close QXDM; Wait 30 seconds,
disable Android Debugging on your phone,
unplug it and reboot your device;
Once it comes back on, it might take a minute or two for it to acquire signal so don't panic.

DO this on your own risk.. No body is responcible for any lost

The only real way to know if the whole thing got applied is to do steps 1 through 10 again (obviously skipping installations)
and reading all values or if you are in an area where you previously had bad or no reception.
You can see unlocked GSM/UMPTS bands from the *#*#4636#*#* /Phone information /Menu /Select radio band

Thanks to @BlackSoulxxx for his original work with the Qualcomm baseband software, for the modified OPO Drivers and for the LTE NV values
Thanks to
for his original tutorial
Thanks to
for his original tutorial
Thanks to @Albirew for his original tutorial
Thanks to
for bringing the original thread to my attention
Thanks to
for finding the diagnostics command that made all this possible
Thanks to
who raised my will for finding these tutorials.
Thanks to @d3athwarrior for post this tutorial.

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	1 QPST.jpg<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	28.4 KB<br/>ID:	3258366

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	2 QXDM port.jpg<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	73.8 KB<br/>ID:	3258367

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	3 QXDM NV.jpg<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	97.6 KB<br/>ID:	3258368

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	4 QXDM edit.jpg<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	96.3 KB<br/>ID:	3258369


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