[TOOLS] Bump Lolipop Kernel offline topic


Hi all ,

I want to share script for bump kernel.I have tested with D80230a/30d is working.
the original script from LG G3 thread [GUIDE][ROOT][BUMP][TWRP] Imageprep: Auto-script to Add Bump+TWRP for Rooted LG G3.The original script for install TWRP+Bump kernel for LG G3 .I modified the script for bump only

In bump.zip contain

- boot_bump
- boot_original
- tmp
- bump.sh


1. Extract boot.bin from kdz firmware
2. Unzip bump.zip to bump folder

3. Put boot.bin into boot_original
4. copy bump folder to /sdcard/bump
5. Install Terminal Emulator app from play store
6. Open Terminal Emulator then use a command


$ su
# cd /sdcard/bump
# chmod 750 bump.sh
# sh bump.sh

- $,# is a command prompt
- After $,# is a command

After script have done,You can see bump kernel at


Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	1.png<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	5.2 KB<br/>ID:	3246190

Attached Files

File Type: zip bump.zip -
[Click for QR Code]
(1.44 MB)


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