[KERNEL] 5.1 modified kernel (Alpha) topic


This kernel should be considered an ALPHA build.
Make sure you know how to recover.

I'm not responsible for any damage caused to your device. If you lose your job because your phone fails to wake you up, I'll sympathize, but take no responsibility. You're flashing this AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Hi Everybody. Since I haven't seen anyone making custom kernels yet for us for the 39A base, I decided I'd try pulling in some features that I use on a regular basis into the kernel source.

Most everything in this is pulled from Faux123, Renderbroken, Dorimanx, Jackpotclavin, Rashed, and other sources. So, all credit goes to them.

I find that Kernel Auditor works better than Synapse/UKM but YMMV. I've noticed some settings not sticking, which I'm looking into still.

Added Intelliactive and Intellimm governors.
Added Intelliplug
Added FauxSound (from Shamu, seems to work. Make sure to tweak the settings)
Added 389Mhz GPU step
Enabled Extra I/O schedulers and TCP congestion methods
Enabled Kernel Same Page Merging.

I'll work on things as I get time, but I'm not promising anything as this is simply a kernel that I'm making for the features I typically use. A lot of code has changed in the new kernel source making it hard to import features, so it's slow going. Also, sorry for the kernel name, I didn't have anything creative at the time.

Source: Github

Downloads: http://d-h.st/users/Yoinx/?fld_id=44886#files


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