Stock Recovery to TWRP topic


Dear xda_users,xda_devs

Greetings .
I am using HTC one M7 UL . I have downloaded 3 gb of updates from OTA. as I was not using it from 2 years, it upgraded from -> 7.xx i.e Sense 6 and Android 5.0 , In between update process I flashed cwm (TWRP is not working ,idk why, fastboot boot recovery command is also not working),and figured out that when i try to install OTA it fails , some check sum or signature failure was there .
And when i flashed a stock recovery from my phone my phone was kind of soft reset , and it went to version . So I have to download all the updates again, which I did , now my question is how can I make a nandroid backup without flashing custom recovery , as if I flash a custom recovery after updating . 1. I download update , it wont install from OTA. 2. I used by backup which i created from cwm it will restore my phone to that date . but cwm will be also recovered , so My point of backup will be useless.

Conclusion :- I need to install updates from OTA , plus I need root as well ( Sadly fastboot boot recovery.img is not working ). I am having no issues with custom recoveries but I have to install OTA .And also why my phone get reset when I flashed my stock recovery , it didnt happened in cwm or TWRP or philz

In seek of help
Thanking You


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