[Q] A Thread about IMEI. My theory, your thoughts topic


So to be clear. I'm not suggesting this for anyone to change an IMEI number but to REPAIR or simply rewrite your imei back to your phone. I recently had a t mobile variant lg g2 and lost my imei. When I try to rewrite it using qpst and efs pro, It denied (not sure why, maybe write protected). There is a forum copied and pasted all over the web.. google it yourself. "Rewrite lg g2 imei). Well. What I done was take an at&t variant lg g2 and make a backup of it, then loaded it onto my t mobile one.. can't explain what it did but somehow screwed up the write protection then I was able to rewrite to it.. here is a theory I tried but didn't get very far only because of my limited knowledge.. I loaded kitkat 4.4.2 the raw open source version in vmware. My attempt is to install the efs backup app onto 4.4.2 vmware and LOAD the backup from another phone into it. Then somehow write imei's in this vmware enviroment.. reasons I think it might work is because in the raw open source version it can be catered to a tablet or phone. There is a slot for everything including IMEI. If anyone has any info to add I'm all ears. Thanks


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