[Q] Micromax A110Q signal problem topic


Dear Team.

I have Micromax Canvas 2 Plus (A110Q) and phone is running fine. But it has some problems.
1. Wifi not working
2. Bluetooth not working
3. Camera not working

For the above reasons, I gave it to some technician in my location, he could not solve the problem, and after receiving it back, I found that the sims are working but no network. Means, I am able to read the SIM NAME (like Airtel, Idea) and able to read the contacts from BOTH sims. But No SIGNAL.

It shows the error ::
Emergency Calls only - AIRTEL
Emergency Calls only - IDEA

and some times ::
No Service - Airtel
No Service - IDEA

For this problems, is there any person to solve my issue ?

Thanks in advance



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