[Q] I am getting below error,Please help me to solve。 topic


I am getting below error

Frameworks/opt/net/ims/src/java/com/android/ims/internal/ImsCallSession.java:933: error: ImsCallSession.IImsCallSessionListenerProxy is not abstract, and does not cover the callSessionSuppServiceReceived abstract method in IImsCallSessionListener (IImsCallSession, ImsSuppServiceNotification)

Private class IImsCallSessionListenerProxy extends IImsCallSessionListener.Stub {


Note: frameworks/opt/net/ims/src/java/com/android/ims/ImsUt.java without the use of check or unsafe operation.

Note: for more information, please use -Xlint:unchecked to compile.

The 1 error

make: *** [/home/zxc/cm/out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/ims-common_intermediates/classes-full-debug.jar] error 41

My compilation is giving error in that Only It's Back to track.:crying:


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