[Q] Can't Mount /Cache & /dev/mmcblk0p4 file dosn't exist topic
Hello XDA Again
i Have Another Strange Problem
Please Check This First to be able to understand what i'll gonna Say :
Now My Phone works perfectly but there is NO Cache Partition or its block[/dev/block/mmcblk0p4] :confused:
i did search the XDA threads but all situations are different
in The Blocks Map *Using MTKdroid Tools
the Phone Boots Normally and i can use it but there is no cache partition and with Root File Manager i checked /dev and found that there is no mmcblk0p4 file there
i Have Another Strange Problem
Please Check This First to be able to understand what i'll gonna Say :
Now My Phone works perfectly but there is NO Cache Partition or its block[/dev/block/mmcblk0p4] :confused:
i did search the XDA threads but all situations are different
in The Blocks Map *Using MTKdroid Tools
the Phone Boots Normally and i can use it but there is no cache partition and with Root File Manager i checked /dev and found that there is no mmcblk0p4 file there
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