[Q] Can't flash CM12 based roms topic


In advance i'm new to XDA so if i break any rules or guidelines please let me know

I rescently flashed my HTC One x(International) to CM12 using the video on onexroot . com site (XDA wont let me post a ousite link because i'm new -_-)
I had to flash a new recovery with a new layout and then flash the CM12 rom. So i installed the rom and it runs great (minus the known issues). So i was looking around and i saw that there was a newer version of the cm12 rom with bug fixes and what not so i wanted to update it but since i flashed the new recovery and rom i can't flash any CM12 based rom any more, when i try i get the errorERROR EXECUTING UPDATER BINARY IN ZIP i tried many different roms to make sure it wasn't a rom related issue and i used MD5sum checker to make sure the download wan't broken but i keep getting the error. So i'm hoping one of you can help me. (phone info below)

Htc One x (International)
Hboot 1.72.0000
Recovery TWRP v2.8.5.1 HOX Team Big
ROM CM12 -12-201550214-UNOFFICIAL -endeavoru


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