New battery = amazing new life for my Nexus 5! topic


(cross posted to Nexus 5 subreddit)

So I've had my N5 since it was first available (ordered it the first day it was on Google Play). Over the last 6 months or so, I've had absolutely atrocious battery life, which I attributed to the upgrade to Android 5. Most recently, the battery life has been so bad that I could be at 98% and after 10 or 15 minutes of playing a game with GPU usage, the phone just shut down. After a reboot, the phone said my battery was at 1%. Then I'd keep the phone off, leave it for 20 or 30 minutes and when I turned it on again, it told me the battery was at 40%. Super strange.

Long story short, I decided that my battery had some real problems. So I took a chance and ordered what looked like an ok battery replacement off of Amazon (link below) as well as some tools from (link below) and decided I was going to try to install a new battery.

Well, it's been about a week since I did the battery replacement (link below to the YouTube video that was helpful) and my phone feels like a brand new device. I get a real, full-day use of the phone now, which for me is having it on and using maps, Gmail, texting, Chrome, Facebook, Play Music, and a few other key apps. Some games here and there. I also obviously have the phone off during the day when I don't need it. Before the battery replacement, my phone could easily be dead with a mix of screen on and off time in 2 hours or less. Now I'm getting 13-14 hours easily. Really amazing.

So I thought this was important enough to share with everyone. If you're in the same boat that I was, you might give this a shot too. Here's everything you need to do what I did:
BATTERY (ships from Chicago, NOT China! this was key!):
iFIXIT TOOLS (if you don't already have these):

Here's some additional info about my setup that may be helpful: ROM: Cataclysm latest stable build (built off 5.1) KERNEL: Elemental X 2.11. Also using Greenify to hibernate unnecessary background apps

Feel free to ask any other questions. I'm really pleased with how things have gone with this new battery (at least for this first week, which I know is not tons of time). For the moment, it feels like I have a brand new phone! ;)


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