[LP][23.1.A.0.690] Mini Deodex [Xposed, Play Store, No FC's] topic


This is my attempt to help those who are on Lollipop and want Xposed working while not having any FC's. This also keeps the Play Store working. No "Your device is not compatible with this version" message in the store.

I created this for myself but have shared it in a few threads. So now I'm combining those posts here. My phone is the Z3(6603), running LP(23.1.A.0.690), US Version. Only the framework folder, vendor, and SystemUI.apk are deodexed. I left everything else alone. I hope this!

This should work for anyone using the same LP version on the Z series, but no guarantees since I only have the 6603 Z3 model.

Lollipop (23.1.A.0.690)
TWRP Recovery


How to install from LP with Recovery:
1. Install the "XposedInstaller_3.0-alpha2.apk"
2. Reboot into recovery and do a backup (atleast the system)
3. Flash these 3 files in this order...
....a. My Flashable
....b. xposed-arm-20150308.zip
....c. UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip (I flash just in case, can't hurt)
4. Clear cache and dalvik
5. Reboot into system
6. Enjoy!

How to fresh install by downgrade:
1. Using Flashtool, flash .93 fw
2. Boot into android
3. Enable debugging, mock, unknown sources, & airplane mode
4. Run giefroot for root (v2 worked best for me)
5. Run dual recovery installer (after root's reboot)
6. Flash prerooted LP from TWRP recovery
7. Run byeselinux after first boot
8. Install the "XposedInstaller_3.0-alpha2.apk"
9. Reboot into recovery and do a backup (atleast the system)
10. Flash these 3 files in this order...
....a. My Flashable
....b. xposed-arm-20150308.zip
....c. UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip (I flash just in case, can't hurt)
11. Clear cache and dalvik
12. Reboot into system
13. Enjoy!


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