[Q] Play store problem topic


Hi all, mainly Blefish,
I have problem with play store. I tried many versions of Gapps, but every single one with android 4.4.4 od 5 (from legacyhuawei) had given me same problem. I wipe everything excepr ext SDcard, flash rom, flash gapps, run phone, add wifi, add account, skip CM account and when I try to look for some apps on play store, it fails.

play store tells me "no connection" and i can "try again".
I checked hosts file, it's fine (only localhost to
I checked date and time, it is synced with network.
I tried to clear cache, to disable play store, reboot, enable...
Nothing worked.
What can I do?
Blefish's roms seems to be fine, but without gapps I can'T do anything.
If Gapps has gmail, it synces, get mails, but sometimes tells that sync fails.
I really don't know.
Thanks for help.

it's U8800.
I will really love to see @Blefish if he can find anything usable. Maybe I am just using bad gapps, because gapps source thread mentioned in his rom thread is abandoned and wiped. :(


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