Hey guys Im torn need advice on Note 4 topic



I am going to purchase a brand new note 4 for the first time from a reputable vendor i heard all the horror stories about ebay and blacklisted imei's so decided to shell out the $$$.

I saw brand new n910c going on amazon for a little over 0 which seems like a good deal but I know it doesnt support band 12 on tmobile's lte network. I do use tmobile but the cheapest i saw a tmobile note 4 was bestbuy which is like 800 with tax which seems pretty steep:(

Is it ok to go with the exynos n910c or will i regret it down the line if i dont have band 12 support? Or does anyone know of another place I can purchase a new note 4 tmobile wihtout having to buy tmobile service? Thanks.


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