HELP!! Phone will only boot into recovery! topic
Don't know what just happened, but here's the best I can explain and hopefully someone smarter than me can figure it out!
My G2 is rooted and running stock 4.4.2 version 24A and I have TWRP I think, besides the hotspot hack, the only thing I had done to it is quarantine LG SetupWizard with App Quarantine. My phone has been trying to push through updates for months, but it never does it successfully becasue of root. Just now, I tried something different to see if I could get the OTA update to was tring to install 26A. I took SetupWizzard out of quarantine and in Superuser I checked OTA survival. After it downloaded the OTA and rebooted it went straight to recovery. From recovery I tried to reboot to system, but it went straight into recovery. So, I restored the backup I made yesterday and tried to reboot back to system again and still it's going to recovery. Any ideas??
My G2 is rooted and running stock 4.4.2 version 24A and I have TWRP I think, besides the hotspot hack, the only thing I had done to it is quarantine LG SetupWizard with App Quarantine. My phone has been trying to push through updates for months, but it never does it successfully becasue of root. Just now, I tried something different to see if I could get the OTA update to was tring to install 26A. I took SetupWizzard out of quarantine and in Superuser I checked OTA survival. After it downloaded the OTA and rebooted it went straight to recovery. From recovery I tried to reboot to system, but it went straight into recovery. So, I restored the backup I made yesterday and tried to reboot back to system again and still it's going to recovery. Any ideas??
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