[guide] backup and restore efs partitions topic


Hi Folks!

It is a simple guide to backup and restore efs and others partitions in your device, i use to backup IMEI and avoid " emergency calls only ".

  • EFS Professional Backup

  • BusyBox

  • Drivers update

  • USB Debugging ON

  • Root

Guide (BACKUP):
  • Open EFS Professional Backup and wait to check some requirements, then go to Backup tab;

  • In "Devices Filters" select 'All partitions';

  • In "Devices Partitions" choose: modem, efs, modemst1, modemst2, fsg, fsc, backup, dbi, ddr and pad [modemst1 and modemst2 for dual devices];

  • Then press backup button and save this file :D.

Guide (RESTORE):
  • To restore just find file in "Backup Archives" and press restore button.

If saved your device don't forgot press thanks button :)


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