Back to Stock Dosnt Work topic
Hello Community, first : Sorry for my bad english iam not so often here :D
As an Information for ypu, before i want to get Back to Stock , i installed months before CloudyG2 , but now LP is out and i want it Stock, so i downloaded the 80210E , because i want the update clean. Than the Flash Tool, drivers and started but not out of memorys , with an Tutorial.
But every Single time , when the Device is allready in the Downloadmode the Flash Tool Stuck at 2 % , so i googled but no fix can help me. I Tried a lot of fixes, that one which you install over ADB on your Device dosnt help for example.
I restarted the PC , reinstall the drivers, redownloaded the Flash Tool , tried other KDZ's, other ports and other cable - an another PC isnt available.
To The PC : Dell D630with an T7100 , 4GB RAM and Windows 8.1 Pro 64 Bit.
Device : LG-G2D802 normally with an Telekom Branding
Now I Installed the Flashable Zip 80230A from here and it worked fantastic but i want it without root and easy : clean.
Here is my last log from tody :
The Last 2 Lines, i dont understand..
I Hope you can understand me and you can help me :/
As an Information for ypu, before i want to get Back to Stock , i installed months before CloudyG2 , but now LP is out and i want it Stock, so i downloaded the 80210E , because i want the update clean. Than the Flash Tool, drivers and started but not out of memorys , with an Tutorial.
But every Single time , when the Device is allready in the Downloadmode the Flash Tool Stuck at 2 % , so i googled but no fix can help me. I Tried a lot of fixes, that one which you install over ADB on your Device dosnt help for example.
I restarted the PC , reinstall the drivers, redownloaded the Flash Tool , tried other KDZ's, other ports and other cable - an another PC isnt available.
To The PC : Dell D630with an T7100 , 4GB RAM and Windows 8.1 Pro 64 Bit.
Device : LG-G2D802 normally with an Telekom Branding
Now I Installed the Flashable Zip 80230A from here and it worked fantastic but i want it without root and easy : clean.
Here is my last log from tody :
The Last 2 Lines, i dont understand..
I Hope you can understand me and you can help me :/
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