Tut: Installing ADB and Fastboot topic


What the heck are they? To put it simply, this two (ADB and Fastboot) lets you communicate with your computer and your android device.<br />
Why the heck do I need this? Well, when all else fails and you got yourself in a trouble or wanted to flash something (bricked android etc.) this two things can save you.:)<br />
Hmm.. Interesting. How do I install this?<br />
<br />
First things first. We got 3 Applications that can install Adb and Fastboot<br />
<br />
The ADB (SDK)<br />
The 15 Seconds ADB Installer<br />
And the Minimal ADB and Fastboot<br />
<br />
SDK - Once your download is complete, simply run it. It well then show you a recommended JDK (Java Development Kit) for your SDK.<br />
After the whole process is complete. Open Android SDK. Toggle Android Platform Tools, Android SDK Tools and Google Drivers and wait for it to install. You now have your SDK with working ADB and Fastboot + Drivers. To know whether its working, open CMD in ( C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools) and type "adb".<br />
<br />
For the remaining two:<br />
After downloading 15 Seconds ADB Installer run it. Type in Y andd.. Wait for 15 seconds and.. BAMM. You now have ADB and Fastboot + Drivers working. As for the Minimal ADB and Fastboot (lightweight program than the SDK) just run it.<br />
<br />
How do you exactly use them?<br />
<br />
For SDK:<br />
Once installed go to ( C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools) and start CMD from there.<br />
Here are a list of basic fastboot commands: (Works for all the 3 Applications mentioned)<br />
<br />
Commands:<br />
update <filename> reflash device from update.zip<br />
flashall flash boot + recovery + system<br />
flash <partition> [ <filename> ] write a file to a flash partition<br />
erase <partition> erase a flash partition<br />
getvar <variable> display a bootloader variable<br />
boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> ] download and boot kernel<br />
flash:raw boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> ] create bootimage and flash it<br />
devices list all connected devices<br />
reboot reboot device normally<br />
reboot-bootloader reboot device into bootloader<br />
<br />
Options:<br />
-w erase userdata and cache<br />
-s <serial number> specify device serial number<br />
-p <product> specify product name<br />
-c <cmdline> override kernel commandline<br />
-i <vendor id> specify a custom USB vendor id<br />
-b <base_addr> specify a custom kernel base address<br />
-n <page size> specify the nand page size. default:<br />
2048<br />
<br />
And for ADB<br />
<br />
ADB push (sends files to your phone) -- adb push c:\example.apk /sdcard/example.apk<br />
<br />
ADB pull (Receives files from your phone) -- adb pull /system/app/example.apk c:\example.apk<br />
<br />
ADB install (installs application) -- adb install c:\example.apk<br />
adb shell (Begins shell connection with phone)<br />
adb reboot (reboots phone)<br />
adb reboot recovery (reboots phone into recovery)<br />
adb reboot bootloader (reboots the phone into bootloader/the white screen)<br />
adb remount (remounts the system)<br />
<br />
P.S. if I missed important things, kindly add them. And I'll edit this post for a better one.<br />
<br />
Hope I helped<br />
<br />
<b><i>Pressing Thanks button can make my heart explode.</i></b>\:laugh:<br/>


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