{Theme} {CM11} Droid L {Material Red Edition} topic


A theme based on Material Design & Android L
Only supports CM11 new Theme Engine


*** Disclaimer ***

This Theme is based on CM11 Frameworke and is only Compatible on CM11
-Please do not ask any silly question about Compatibility as This Theme is Compatible with Multi Screen Sizes.
-Make sure you Reboot once you have applied Theme if your Android MisBehaves.
-Enjoy the Flavored  Material Red CM12  on your Phone. xD


# Based on Material Design.
# Themed Framework.
# Themed SystemUI.
# Animated Checkboxes.
# Robot fonts from Android L Preview.
# Android L Preview Ringtone, Notification and Alarm.
# L inspired bootanimation.

Themed Apps :
# Calculator
# Calendar
# Contacts
# Clock
# Phone
# Email
# Keyboard
# LockScreen
# Messaging
# Settings
# Google Play Store
# Google+
# Gmail
# Whatsapp
#Dsp manager
And some more...



Home Screen:

Message :

Contacts :

Settings :

Dialer :


Gmail :

Theme preview:


In order to do a clean installation:-
# install the app
#apply the theme
#and reboot your device.


# True $tar -creator author Droid L
#Team Droid x- for helping in each and every step
#Warlock - for all his great suggestion
#whole oneplus/Tdx group
#sorry if i forgotten anyone..!!

Hit thanks/Donate us if u like our work

XDA:DevDB Information
{Theme}{CM11} Droid L {Material Red Edition}, ROM for the ONEPLUS ONE

True $tar, Wårløçk
ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat

Version Information
Status: Stable

Created 2015-04-08
Last Updated 2015-04-08


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