Self Entitlement is KILLING our Devs... topic


I'm going to use @ataXAt 's last post. I hope it's okay with him. In my opinion out of every dev that has packed up,he has said why he is done best.

Xda has changed, now there is more complaining than I have ever seen, I spend MANY hours to try and bring some roms to the users here, so people can at least have a choice of different roms to run. I DO NOT HAVE TO DO THIS! People continuously send me emails and PM saying that I need to do more to help them get their rom running, I have tried to help, but these people want a person to hold their hand and walk them thru every damn step. These people that complain have NO reason to be flashing when they do not know even the basics of flashing, I am tired, I am seeing this in many threads. I need to take a break from this, and spend time with my wife. I will still frequent the site, but I will no longer build for ungrateful people. I am truly sorry that some have to suffer for others. Thank you.


OK,I just spent a few hours getting a LP based rom(cm12) to run properly on my 4. Several different issues but with a little out of the box thinking, I worked to correct every one of them,without crying in the forums. What's my point? We've lost another top Dev today because noobtubes are in threads asking the dumbest questions without using common sense or critical thinking. You know who you are and you guys need to quit pming and flooding forums with an issue that has most likely been resolved. Or it is an issue that you created for yourself because you're simply illiterate or some silly a** question like "Hey, can someone tell me what model I have,what software I am I on,yadda yadda yadda. Do you realize things like that are things you should know BEFORE you brick your phone It's called a search button, use it, I'm tired of being a friendly fire casualty to stupidity! I hope this post makes you sick. Hell,I hope you see this post and it shames the hell out of you. It probably won't but a man can have a dream.

I flashed different ways until I worked out the bugs and errors. Every phone is going to accept the rom differently. Some people get NO issues at all,they are the lucky ones.

Things I had to do: Flashing the ROM but not the gapps until the first boot was done because I had apps crashing at start up like the playstore and setup wizard, it stopped all the crashing. I couldn't get SuperSU to update the binary system so I searched within the thread for SuperSU not updating binary on LP,I got nothing in the thread but when I took that search to Google guess what happened,you got it,BOOM, someone out there had the same issue and had a fix. Getting Xposed to work,search and ye shall find. Getting Titanium Backup was not working and once again I ran a search in the thread and yup,you guessed it,there the fix was. Hopefully you see the theme that's trending here and if you don't,then you should NOT be flashing. Doing things like this WILL make a difference. You just have to think!! You will learn a thing or two!! Don't get it twisted because trust me,most of us have been there asking the dumb questions but we got the hint when we were told to search. LEAVE the devs pm box alone! You are the reason why threads are being closed. The devs do what they do for free. They take time away from their personal life to bring us brilliance. So PLEASE...PLEASE stop and do your part. The devs have already did theirs.
UnknownHomelessDrunk (not a dev,just a person that loves what devs do)


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