s-off and bootloader unlock question topic
Hi all!
Just picked up an M9 this week... Had an M8 prior to that. I've been reading through the forums and spent some time on the M8 forums flashing, testing, and customizing the phone with Roms. I've been reading about the M9 and have noticed some mention that Verizon is firm about a locked bootloader and all. I was curious how on the M8, S-off and unlocking the bootloader was achieved if Verizon is so strict about keeping the phone locked down? Thanks for any responses in advance :) Looking forward to customizing this beast of a phone. Thank you to all the Devs that make all of this possible!
Just picked up an M9 this week... Had an M8 prior to that. I've been reading through the forums and spent some time on the M8 forums flashing, testing, and customizing the phone with Roms. I've been reading about the M9 and have noticed some mention that Verizon is firm about a locked bootloader and all. I was curious how on the M8, S-off and unlocking the bootloader was achieved if Verizon is so strict about keeping the phone locked down? Thanks for any responses in advance :) Looking forward to customizing this beast of a phone. Thank you to all the Devs that make all of this possible!
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