Review of Xposed Framework topic


We decided to do review of Xposed Framework because indeed it is a great Android tool. For all of you that you haven’t heard of Xposed Framework, it is something like Cydia for iOS.

Xposed framework is primarily designed for those who wish to remain on the stock ROM, but do not want to flash it constantly with new custom ROMs in order to get additional features. If you want to do that, then you can freely use Xposed Framework.

Modules are the most important thing in this app, because If you only install Xposed Framework, it will not do anything. If you want to get and perform a specific function, then you need to install a module in order to run a particular function, you can use function that are installed on the module.

How we installed it and does it work
You can download the Xposed Framework apk from here. Then you can download different modules from here. The process of installation is pretty easy and simple. You download the xposed app, you open it, give root right (when it asks), go to framework, click on install/update, when it all goes successfully, just click OK, and then restart.
You can download the modules on the above link, or from the Xposed app directly. It is very important that when you install a module, you must enable the module into the xposed app with checking of the checkbox. After that you must perform a restart.

Why we liked Xposed Framework? There is no need to modify any APKs, the app, that means that there is no need to decompile, change things in smali, compile, sign and that it will work for odexed and deodexed ROMs. Also, it is open source and free and you can disable it wthout having to reflash.

However, it is important to emphasize, that this app works on almost all Android devices, but there is still no support or update for the newest Android version – Android Lolipop 5.0.


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