Reliable way to get an accurate image backup of a stock ROM without bricking phone. topic
Noob here in the flashing ROMs department. I need a RELIABLE way to backup my stock ROM on a Galaxy S4 9505 Kitkat 4.4.2 international version(rooted) .
Something that can be reversed exactly! to the way it was when I bought it without loosing the warranty. Including the Knox counter reset.
I have read a bit about the apps available to do this and there's a lot of problems lately(seems like) with Twrp Cwm etc and a lot of bricked phones (maybe just my opinion after reading some of the Google results for my searches).
The reason for my request is obviously wanting to flash a custom ROM (interested in whatever cyanogen/oxygen OS would fit my phone) but I am very weary of the apps used to achieve this.
Any help as in a step by step instructions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Noob here in the flashing ROMs department. I need a RELIABLE way to backup my stock ROM on a Galaxy S4 9505 Kitkat 4.4.2 international version(rooted) .
Something that can be reversed exactly! to the way it was when I bought it without loosing the warranty. Including the Knox counter reset.
I have read a bit about the apps available to do this and there's a lot of problems lately(seems like) with Twrp Cwm etc and a lot of bricked phones (maybe just my opinion after reading some of the Google results for my searches).
The reason for my request is obviously wanting to flash a custom ROM (interested in whatever cyanogen/oxygen OS would fit my phone) but I am very weary of the apps used to achieve this.
Any help as in a step by step instructions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
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