[Q][MT6577] Can Some One Help? topic
Hello XDA Dev.
i Have a Big problem as i Think :(
i Have This Device
Brand : G-Tide
Model : E80
Android Version : 4.0.4 ICS
Processor : MT6577
Storage : 4GB
i downloaded an App Called Somthing mtk rom edit tool
its an Android App (APK)
it used to resize the data partation of MT65xx i dont remember which one but it made only for MT6565 or something like that , not for MT6577
i haven't Noticed that before
so i used it and select to make the data partation 1.5GB
then reboot to CWM > did Wipe data/cache/dalvik
then reboot
and the phone stuck on boot Logo :(
i searched the internet with no luck to find a stock firmware for my device
before playing with anything i opened MTKDroid Tools and did a backup from CWM
then i tried to flash another ebr1 from other stock roms similar to my phone [Micromax A110 , Cherry Titan W500]
with no luck
when i was flashing ebr1 or recovery to get in i noticed something strange

EMMC is 28GB+4GB???
so i tried to flash the whole Roms as i was think it may help
so i flashed
[Micromax A110 then A90s]
A110 > No even Boot logo
with A90s i lost the bootloader
then i managed to disassemble the Phone and Connect Testpoints to GND then i flashed a valid preloader and got my bootloader again :)
then i mixed between [My Backup Rom, Micromax A110 and Cherry Titan W500] in SP Flash Tool like this :-
PreLoader : Micromax A110
DSP_BL : Micromax A110
MBR : Stock
Ebr1 : Cherry Titan W500
UBOOT : Stock
Recovery : STOCK [CWM for My Mobile That works]
SEC_RO : Stock
LOGO : Dosn't Matter but i selected Cherry's Logo
ANDROID : Micromax A110
then i got back the phone with CWM and Boot Logo *Freeze*
i was have a CWM Nandroid Backup when the phone was fully work
i get into the CWM and Restore it then Did Wipe D/C > Reboot
the phone loads the boot animation and boot sound only half of it [like if it was 0:06 it plays only till 0:03 then the sound gone]
and hangs on bootanimation :(
i get back to the Recovery Then tried to mount all
emmc can't be mounted
i was about given up
then i found an app called scattereditor
it edit Scatter file + MBR + EBR1 and 2*for non MT6577 devices* + PMT
i created a scatter file using it based on the backed one from MTKDroid Tools
then flashed them all [Scatter + MBR + Ebr1]
then i followed the ScatterEditor Thread and Format Manually with this Settings :-
Begin Address (Hex) » 0x0000000000608000
Format Length (Hex) » 0x0000000000400000
the phone back to stuck At boot logo again :(
Notice : SP Flash Tool Still Saying EMMC : 28GB+4GB till now.
here is the Blocks Map from MTKDroid Tools Right Now in the attachments, and The Backed EBR1, MBR and Scatter Files from MTK Droid Tools too.
Can Someone Help me?
Thanks For Your Attention :)
i Have a Big problem as i Think :(
i Have This Device
Brand : G-Tide
Model : E80
Android Version : 4.0.4 ICS
Processor : MT6577
Storage : 4GB
i downloaded an App Called Somthing mtk rom edit tool
its an Android App (APK)
it used to resize the data partation of MT65xx i dont remember which one but it made only for MT6565 or something like that , not for MT6577
i haven't Noticed that before
so i used it and select to make the data partation 1.5GB
then reboot to CWM > did Wipe data/cache/dalvik
then reboot
and the phone stuck on boot Logo :(
i searched the internet with no luck to find a stock firmware for my device
before playing with anything i opened MTKDroid Tools and did a backup from CWM
then i tried to flash another ebr1 from other stock roms similar to my phone [Micromax A110 , Cherry Titan W500]
with no luck
when i was flashing ebr1 or recovery to get in i noticed something strange
EMMC is 28GB+4GB???
so i tried to flash the whole Roms as i was think it may help
so i flashed
[Micromax A110 then A90s]
A110 > No even Boot logo
with A90s i lost the bootloader
then i managed to disassemble the Phone and Connect Testpoints to GND then i flashed a valid preloader and got my bootloader again :)
then i mixed between [My Backup Rom, Micromax A110 and Cherry Titan W500] in SP Flash Tool like this :-
PreLoader : Micromax A110
DSP_BL : Micromax A110
MBR : Stock
Ebr1 : Cherry Titan W500
UBOOT : Stock
Recovery : STOCK [CWM for My Mobile That works]
SEC_RO : Stock
LOGO : Dosn't Matter but i selected Cherry's Logo
ANDROID : Micromax A110
then i got back the phone with CWM and Boot Logo *Freeze*
i was have a CWM Nandroid Backup when the phone was fully work
i get into the CWM and Restore it then Did Wipe D/C > Reboot
the phone loads the boot animation and boot sound only half of it [like if it was 0:06 it plays only till 0:03 then the sound gone]
and hangs on bootanimation :(
i get back to the Recovery Then tried to mount all
emmc can't be mounted
Error mounting /emmc!
W:failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p6 (invalid argument)
then i found an app called scattereditor
it edit Scatter file + MBR + EBR1 and 2*for non MT6577 devices* + PMT
i created a scatter file using it based on the backed one from MTKDroid Tools
then flashed them all [Scatter + MBR + Ebr1]
then i followed the ScatterEditor Thread and Format Manually with this Settings :-
Begin Address (Hex) » 0x0000000000608000
Format Length (Hex) » 0x0000000000400000
the phone back to stuck At boot logo again :(
Notice : SP Flash Tool Still Saying EMMC : 28GB+4GB till now.
here is the Blocks Map from MTKDroid Tools Right Now in the attachments, and The Backed EBR1, MBR and Scatter Files from MTK Droid Tools too.
Can Someone Help me?
Thanks For Your Attention :)
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