[Q] Z3 D6603 LP ST, Rooted, hangs under animatio when SD or RB topic


Hey people.

I have i simingly small problem but a very real one with my Z3 D6603

What i have done:

1. Unlocked bootloader with unlock code from sony dev site and adb in fastboot mode. Succsessfuly, checked service meny. All Ok so far.

2. I realized that i should haved backed up my drm keys when i upon next boot noticed i lost a couple sony stock features i like. :rolleyes:

3. I followed this thred to the letter with a little reasonable thinking.
I used "D6603_23.0.1.A.5.77_IT.ftf" for TA partition restore. and "D6603_23.1.A.0.690_CentralEurope.ftf" for LP Stock.

4. I Used "Z3_ADV_stock_LP_v2" as kernel flashed in adb as fastboot. Everything else is flashed in Sony flash tool in flash mode on Z3.

5. Finally flashed "DRM Function Restoration for Xperia Lolipop V2.zip" in twrp.

6. Rebooted - Back to twrp flashed Chainfire Root zip 2.46 - rebooted.

All fine till this Point.

All working twrp plus root.

Time for Xposed. Recovery - flashed "arm 15-03-08" rebooted. Install apk xposed alpha 2.

Download module "Xperia/AOSP NavBar Buttons" - check it for activation - reboots and NOW the problem beggins!!!:mad:

It get completely stuck at "SONY text in the beginning. I force shut it down by Power + Volume Up.

I dont remember exactly but the last can have been done Before i did a complete reflash for restoring sony orig features. (step 3)

7. Fresh install with root, sony orig features and twrp.

8. Install Xposed no problem. Installing "gravetyBox LP 5.0.6 Alpha.

9. Rebooting and starting to load bootanimation 5-6 seconds later it gives an ugly best described as hardware fail sound Sharp but dim tone and starts to bootlooping.

10. At this poing i can only get up and running by booting in to twrp - whipe - advanced wipe - chache and dalwik chache - reboot system it "optimizing 306 apps of about 15 minutes each time. Then its alive with everything working again. Root, Xposed, modules system and so on.

I have tried Another kernel "Z3_AndroPlusKernel_v51.zip" flashed via adb and fastboot. This resulted in a brick phone, not a Life sign at all.

adb and fastbooted z3. Flashed this kernel resulting in working phone with twrp after Another step 10 procedure again.

Please, Please help! It would be fun to be able to shut down or rebooting my Z3 without this huge hang-bootloop problem. I finally got Everything working exept for above issue.

Im basicly stuck right now and just avoiding turning it off.

Come on all great xda people, help a fella in need! :o


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