[Q] Stock OTA update possible brick? topic


So I bought a LG G2 today and all was fine until it asked if I wanted to do an OTA. I figured, why not its COMPLETELY stock. The only thing I did to the phone was a factory reset when I bought it then connected to my wifi and updated all the stock apps to the updated version. At that point it asked me if I wanted to perform the OTA so I hit Install now. It went through 1/2 with no problem but on 2/2 of the update it gets to 13% and brings me to a screen with a blue line over about 1/4 inch of the top of the screen and gives about 15 lines of files or directories that are not found. It acts like a bad flash. I have tried a hard reset and still brings me to the update screen after I select Yes twice. My pc's (yes multiple) will not even acknowledge its there. How can this happen on a completely stock verizon phone with a factory verizon OTA?? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
10 of the errors start with FOTAFS_Open /system/lib/librs.
There different from there on. The rest of the errors are the cache partition.
Like I said to me it sounds like a bad flash but what now? I'm stumped!


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