[Q] Stock browser, google chrome, mouseover, and spen topic


I originally posted this in the note edge Q&A, but that isn't exactly the most active part of the site and the issue pertains to Galaxy Note phones in general (I explicitly tested on an AT&T Note 2, a Sprint Note 3, and a Sprint Note Edge and someone else on the OP used a Verizon Note Edge).

Basically the issue is that mouseover features (not the air view options found in settings. I'm talking about hovering the pen over a menu coded with a mouseover event (dropping down the menu items) in a browser and getting the coded reaction (or a button turning darker as another example)) are not working consistently between browsers and phones. I'll summarize briefly here but full details can be found in the main post linked below. Also note, I'm NOT including mouseover activation via finger hovering. I haven't even tested that.
AT&T Note 2 - mouseover works in both Chrome and Stock
Sprint Note 3 - mouseover only works in stock
Sprint Note Edge - mouseover only worked in Stock (then I broke that too somehow at some point without noticing and don't have a recent enough backup to restore to -.-)
Verizon Note Edge - mouseover works in both chrome and stock.

NOTE: I (and one other for the Verizon) only tested on 1 of each model so there's no guarantee every model behaves as above

Basically I'm trying to figure out why the inconsistency, and more importantly how to add/restore the feature to a browser it's disabled in.

I hope the significantly higher traffic in the Note 4 forum might yield some results here.

Like I said, there's a few more details in the OP which, if you took the time to read I would very much appreciate.



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