[Q] Need urgent help with adb fastboot nandroid backup (paid assistance) topic



I have idea like "backup all data (include apps, accounts, system settings) -> wipe all data -> upload backup -> start device", but backup upload on server by ftp/sftp.

After few times another script download necessary backup and upload on phone by adb/fastboot and start device.

Now i create backup by this script (sorry, i`m only learn)


adb wait-for-device
set dirname=%date:~0,2%%date:~3,2%%date:~8,2%%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%
mkdir %dirname% > NULL
adb shell su -c "dd if=/$(ls -la /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name | grep system | sed -r 's/.* .//') of=/sdcard/blkbackup.img"
adb pull /sdcard/blkbackup.img %dirname%\system.img
adb shell rm /sdcard/blkbackup.img
adb shell su -c "dd if=/$(ls -la /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name | grep boot | sed -r 's/.* .//') of=/sdcard/blkbackup.img"
adb pull /sdcard/blkbackup.img %dirname%\boot.img
adb shell rm /sdcard/blkbackup.img
adb shell su -c "dd if=/$(ls -la /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name | grep recovery | sed -r 's/.* .//') of=/sdcard/blkbackup.img"
adb pull /sdcard/blkbackup.img %dirname%\recovery.img
adb shell rm /sdcard/blkbackup.img
adb shell su -c "dd if=/$(ls -la /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name | grep cache | sed -r 's/.* .//') of=/sdcard/blkbackup.img"
adb pull /sdcard/blkbackup.img %dirname%\cache.img
adb shell rm /sdcard/blkbackup.img
adb shell su -c "dd if=/$(ls -la /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name | grep userdata | sed -r 's/.* .//') of=/sdcard/blkbackup.img"
adb pull /sdcard/blkbackup.img %dirname%\userdata.img
adb shell rm /sdcard/blkbackup.img
adb shell "pm list package -s" > %dirname%\system.apps.list
adb shell "pm list package -3" > %dirname%d-party.apps.list

i think what this logicaly work, but in realy - dont work :( and i cant upload backup in server.
can you explain me how i can create fully backup android device and restore it adter few days in device by shellscript.

In an ideal world I see it this way:
1) made a backup using http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1620255
2) loading on server

3) another script download the desired backup and load it on your phone or PC
4) install
4.1) profit :)

PS Since I need it urgently enough and I tried huge amount of scripts and commands - asking for your help (in debt will not stay).
PPS ubuntu

Skype: a.roman2403


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