[Q] Looking to use volume buttons as power button. topic


It's no secret that the M8 is a bit taller than the M7, and that HTC opted to keep the power button on top for whatever reason. I mean, don't fix what isn't broken and all that but I have tiny baby hands.

I'm hoping to be able to define pressing both volume buttons at the same time (perhaps with a delay on each press to cut down on false triggers) as the lock / power button.

I don't know if two buttons could be defined as one key pressed for sure. I highly doubt it.

Things to note:
- I've looked into every conceivable app that promises such functionality
- I'm on NEO's ported Lollipop ROM (excellent work, by the way, man.)
- My baby is S-OFF (not really relevant, but who knows?)
- I did a little development before we hit gingerbread way back in the day. I used to make my HTC G1 dance. I have plenty of experience tweaking bits under the hood.

I appreciate any help you guys can spare!

And of course, thanks for all that you developers do for us and our phones!


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