[Q] Help-not sure on title here topic


I bought a pre-owned g3 that was rooted already. I don't know how but in the meantime of me getting it it was updated to lollipop. When I got it I tried to root it. My pc can't find the driver I tried everything and along the way got a error that android security on 5.0 and newer won't allow it?
I went into twrp recovery and erased everything until it went into a loop of lg start page. Previous owner sent sd to I flashed back to previous update on twrp.
This is what I have now
ver 4.4.4
baseband unknown
kernel 3.4.0=g819e680
bliss version
bliss stalk rom
I have had rooted phones all the way back to htc thunderbolt so this all isn't new to me, but I have never seen being able to go backwards like this with an update.
I don't know where to go from here. It is rooted per root checker but does not seem as fast as the un rooted lollipop I used the last few days. Since this phone is new to me any help this girl can get would be GREATLY appreciated. Please please please help :confused:
Thanks in advance.


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