[Q] Help!! I can't change GPE rom to sense ROM on my HTC M8.. topic


Last night, I flash SkyDragon GPE ROM on my HTC M8 and also flash the 5.1 firmware from graffixnyc.com/m8.php. The phone works without problems. Today, I want to change my phone to SkyDragon sense rom, but I got a big problem. I just flash the 4.16.401.10 firmware and flash the TWRP When I enter to recovery mode to try to do the factory default, I got error message said that data partition can not be mount. And I also found a problem, the capacity of internal sdcard was 0MB..... I had used one day to find any methods from the Google, but I can't solve it.... Now, I can use this GPE rom, but I still want to change to sense rom. Does any one know how I can reflash to sense ROM? :crying: Thanks!!!

My phone was S-Off and the CID was 11111111.


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