[Q] (Help: Can't boot) Lollipop + eager urge for Xposed topic



I'm going to be away soon and won't have easy access to a non-professional PC (meaning any computer I may have access to - I won't have admin rights with). I didn't want to wait for a root+TWRP dev package for Lollipop to be released. I wanted to just get it done, (I was having bad problems with KitKat on some select apps because of LG's 4.4 coding, long story, but I won't even go there...)
I saw that I can go to the LG support site via a link from Android Central and manually upgrade to Lollipop way before the OTA rollout even begins. I had heard rumors of people having problems, read posts, and learned how to avoid it all. I reset everything before upgrading. I did many factory resets after getting Lollipop, (I know, a lot). I got rooted and set mostly everything up.

I wanted to get Xposed loaded, BADLY. I looked it up for Lollipop and realized that I'd have to flash a custom recovery. I expected as much. When I looked that up, I realized that I would have to either use a downgrade-upgrade method (which I didn't feel like going through) or a mandatory requirement of factory reset though a process. I had already set up all of the system stuff and restored from Titanium backup most of my apps. There was no way I would factory reset because I hate resetting-up the system stuff. - - - - - BIG MISTAKE 1

So I found a thread for the D850 (AT&T) version (no I didn't flash a bad radio or anything, I thought I knew what I was doing because I was only flashing recovery stuff for Lollipop, not an AT&T rom or radio.) This was to install TWRP without downgrading or resetting. The instructions said to copy files from an aboot.img and other boot images and such (to replace the recovery) on to the internal memory and use a terminal to type in code. I did it and rebooted it.

I made a horrible mistake.

When I held the power button on the phone, nothing happened. I found out that when plugging it in to the PC, it seems to be in download mode. It was fully charged. When using the restore/brick recovery software, I have tried different cables, different computers, checking to see if anything is corrupt, different USB ports, etc. with the files... Nothing will work. I keep getting an error with a red box about the model or something.

Where do I go from here? All because I wanted Xposed on Lollipop without resetting.

I have this situation. I messed up with laf.img and aboot.img too (from D850, thinking it was harmless since trying to install custom recovery onbly) and device won't turn on but PC recognizes as download mode but can't flash. Please read above. I'm bricked and all restore methods have failed so far.

Source from u/nicksteron on reddit.


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