[Q] Decryption Unsuccessful and a currently bricked M8 topic


I previously ran LolliGPE but was long overdue for an update. I downloaded the latest version and copied the image to my phone and flashed the ROM. I decided to go try a dirty install first to see if I could keep everything I had, since I had already been running a previous version and after reviewing the changelog did not see anything recommending to wipe clean. After installing successfully, Android asked me to enter my password to decrypt my data (I don't recall ever encrypting my data?), and so I did. It then told me that my password was right, but the data was corrupt, and presented me a button to reset my phone. The button redirected me to recovery and automatically attempted to wipe /data and then re-mount it, but the wipe failed. I rebooted again with the same issue, same failed attempt to wipe. I went to install the zip again, and this time do a full wipe, but it was unable to mount my phone's storage nor my SD card.

What's the best course of action? I'd like to retain as much as I can and avoid wiping all of the internal storage clean. Is there a simpler fix to this or am I doomed?


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