[Q] Can't turn On WIfi after new installation roms topic


i had some software trouble with my SGH-i747M, any way I ended with cyanide Rom, but because the camera doesn't work i want to come back to the original roms.
So i find a stock rom 4.4.2 (from March 2015 ?), but after booting i can't turn on wifi (it not grey, it just can't stay ON, i mean i click and immediately i came back to OFF, like and auto switch or something). So, i try with a backup. samething happen. Each time a make a clean install, reset de system, Data, cache, delwick ect.
After that i try again with Cianyde lollipop (the same rom than the first time). and then the wifi is ok. So a re try it with and another backup, and the wifi can't turn on gain.

I don't know if is the rom, the firmware, the modem but.. why the cianyde lollipop rom work but not my kitkat back up ? everything elle in the rom seem ok.

I have a SGH-i747M from Bell, looking for a solution (stock) because i want to sale it in a working version.

thank you


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