[Q] Can someone help me with a theme problem on my N5? topic


I have pacrom 4.4 kitkat on my N5 and I have always used the theme engine, and it worked flawlessly with jellybean. Ever since kitkat I've been trying to get rid of the white theme (can't stand it) and with the theme I used, it would alter the color of all my icons, my navbar buttons, and my keyboard to be the color of my theme. Now it won't change anything except a few colors here and there in certain apps. I noticed that there's check boxes for style, wallpapers, lockscreen, fonts, icons, ect. In the theme section. With the default, white holo theme, everything is checked. But with EVERY other theme I've downloaded, the only things I can check are style, and wallpapers. Everything else is greyed out. How do I enable the it so I can theme everything else?? It wont even let me un check these in the defaukt theme. This is extremely annoying.


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