Problems with flashing, rooting topic


Hi, first of all, sorry if my english is wrong sometimes, I am French.

I was on CM11 M12 and wanted to update to CM12. It could not flash and I tried to wipe again before reflashing but my error was to wipe the system I think. From then, no OS. I followed many threads, tried to flash others ROMs, even RUU by all means (sideload, fastboot..) But my phone seemed not to accept any of them.

FInally, yesterday after 5 days of struggle, I managed to flash the Omnirom. I can't explain why this one worked but well it did. Now the problem still is it always fails when trying to flash gapps or trying to root. It is like my phone can only flash some specific stuff. At least, my phone is working right now, and I have no network problems. But yeah , can't flash gapps or root.

I tried to root with towelroot but not working either. If I could get root access, I was told (on a french forum) that I would be able to copy paste the gapps stuff right where it has to be in the system.

I never had such issues before, I could flash any ROM, root easily. If someone could explain :confused:

Thanks for helping :)


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