Ported Lollipop Rom from GT-I9505 to SPH-L720 topic


First off i want to say i did not Develop this ROM..

Just Google "Lollipop Ported to SPH-L720" and you will find the Source since i cannot post links

Here is the description from the Website where the ROM was Posted:
"It's been a while since Android Lollipop was unveiled, but a lot of your handsets still don't have it, as it's down to individual manufacturers to bring it to their devices.
That takes time, but we're finally seeing it trickle out to ever more phones, and many manufacturers have also revealed when they plan to roll out the update.

And today we are bringing you the Lollipop touch to Samsung Galaxy S4 SPH-L720 (Sprint); this ROM is ported from an official firmware of GT-I9505.

You need to have root and CWM or TWRP installed so as to install this rom, as we mentioned above it's ported from official firmware of GT-I9505 Enjoy it on your Sprint phone."

Here is my experience so far..

After Wiping Everything (Data, Dalvik, Cache, Etc) i installed the ROM (Please note on first boot it took my phone almost 20 minutes to boot) so far everything functions as it should (Voice, Camera, BT, Camera, NFC, WiFi, IR Blaster)

Only things not working are:
No APN Settings (Which could Explain why Data is not working)

other then the data not working the ROM runs extremely smooth....

This is a start.... hopefully someone could maybe open the hood to get Data working.. who knows.. but im using it for now (only because im on wifi 90% of the time)



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