[PORT] [APPS] [LP 5.0+] Asus ZenFone 2 Apps Port (No Root Required) topic
I have ported some Asus Zenfone 2 Apps for LP+ devices. For installong app "No Root Required".
Note: These app are can work on kitkat but not sure.
Apps :-
1.Asus AsusLauncher (ZenLauncher)
2.Music Player
3.File Manger
6.Graffiti Board
7.Quick Memo
Installation :-
1.Open / Extract the .Zip Compressed File.
2.Just install as Normal APK.
3.Enjoy ZenUI apps.
Downloads :-
Click on the upper App links.
ScreenShots :-
Post No.2
Coming Soon Apps :-
2.Asus Weather
3.What's Next
Tested On
AQ4501 CM12 and CM12.1
CM12.1 Working on All Android One Devices running LP 5.1
Moto G2nd Gen.
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (5.0.2)
Samsung Galaxy S5 (5.0.2)
Credits :-
@asus-zenfone.com for ZenFone2 Stock Rom.
If you want use my work then plz pm and give the proper credits.
If you liked my work then press thanks button.
XDA:DevDB Information
ZenFone 2 , App for all devices (see above for details)
Version Information
Status: Beta
Created 2015-04-05
Last Updated 2015-04-05
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