[I9305] Endless war against wakelocks topic


I really love these AOSP KitKat roms but on every rom I get these crazy battery killing wakelocks. Everytime I manage to somehow block one wakelock, then after a while another appears.
I have tried like every way to block the wakelocks: Amplify, built-in wakelock blockers etc but I always end up with new wakelock, its an endless war against these. Most of the wakelocks come from Google Play Services and I cant really live without Play Store so completely removing gapps is not an option for me. Im also using Xposed with Greenify on boost mode.

I can bring up some screenshots when the next wakelock makes its appearance, Im currently running on L-Droid v4.0 rom

These wakelocks make me miss my old Windows Phone, I cant really rely on my phone when it can suddenly run out of battery in my pocket anytime :crying:

Any tips and tricks on dealing with the wakelocks? Any help is appreciated at this point!


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