HP 7 VoiceTab 1321RA Bricked without Recovery or Custom Recovery mode accessable topic



First off let me say thanks to R_a_z_v_a_n for redirecting me and hope that I'll find my answer here ^^

So I Have this device called HP 7 VoiceTab 1321RA (not with Slate just HP 7 Voicetab), wanting to have a custom recovery then I tried to flash a CWM Custom Recovery for HP Slate 7 VoiceTab because I thought it was the same and ends up bricking my phone. It ends up in a bootloop which only shows HP sign for a few seconds and dead. But I managed to find out that I can access the recovery menu (or so I thought it is), but the options was choosing between Fastboot Mode, Normal Boot, Recovery Mode, and VART Mode.

I tried to enter Fastboot Mode before and tried to access it via PC but somehow I can't find the device by entering adb devices and fastboot devices. Anyways, I have downloaded a stock update.zip for it but not the original KitKat one which I get from the first time I bought it but rather the JB ones. I think by flashing this would help me recover the device but the only problem is I don't know which method should I use to Flash it. Since I don't have the Stock Recovery or ANY kind of recovery at all, I guess I'm stuck. And it won't start to the home page so I can't set the USB debugging options. Please guide me through this >.<
Thanks a lot!


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