[HOW-TO] Convert to F2FS on Nexus 6 (Any Rom) topic


I didn't see anything about how to convert to f2fs for the nexus 6 so I thought i'd write something up as somebody requested me to do this.

What are the benefits of using f2fs over ext4?

Should I do this
If you want to At your own risk

  • You need a recovery that supports f2fs in kernel and has the f2fs tools. Dhacker20 has provided one (TWRP here: https://twitter.com/dhacker29/status/568070387306766336

  • You will need a kernel that supports f2fs for /cache and /data (Obviously I recommend zen kernel, but there are others)

1.) Back up everything you care about to your PC (everything will be erased, including sdcard)
2.) Install a kernel that supports f2fs. Get the boot.img and do "fastboot flash boot boot.img" in bootloader
3.) Install the recovery with f2fs support (fastboot flash recovery f2fs)
4.) In TWRP, go to Wipe
5.) Do a full wipe by swiping right
6.) Go to Wipe -> Advanced Wipe
7.) Choose /cache
8.) Choose "Change Filesystem"
9.) Pick f2fs, proceed
10.) Do the same thing for /data
11.) In TWRP, go to mount -> choose /system
12.) While still in recovery, plug phone into PC and do this:


# adb shell
# cp /sbin/*f2fs* /system/bin/
# chmod a+x /system/bin/*f2fs*

13.) Reboot and you are done.

I put this up because someone asked me to, it's really easy to do. But you should of course do it at your own risk.


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