[Guide] GPS Fix for AOSP ROMs topic


This is a short guide on how to fix GPS lock issues on AOSP ROM's. It's a tried and true method that has worked for myself and countless other users dating back to the OG EVO. I'll start by saying that you should always keep a Sense ROM backup on your phone. Not only will it come in handy for fixing GPS issues, but it can also be used to update your profile and PRL, neither of which can be done from an AOSP ROM. It's also useful for utilizing dialer codes, which also can't be used when running AOSP. Follow the steps below to get GPS up and running:

1. Backup your current AOSP ROM.

2. Restore or flash a Sense ROM.

3. Boot to the OS of your Sense ROM.

4. Dial ##gpsclrx# and enter your MSL code when prompted (you can call Sprint to get your MSL or use the free app "MSL Reader" from the Play store). Your device will reboot afterwards. This will clear your GPS cache.

5. Download the free app "GPS Status & Toolbox" from the Play store.

6. Turn on GPS.

7. Open the GPS Status app.

8. Press the wrench icon in the top-right corner of the screen. Select the "Manage A-GPS State" option, then choose reset when prompted. Let the app get a good lock. The distance in feet will be reflected on the left side of the screen. The lower the number, the better the lock (I showed an error of 10 feet, but yours may vary). Once you're satisfied with the lock, reboot to recovery and restore your AOSP ROM backup. GPS should now be working properly.

Thanks to
for letting me Kang this from his identical post in the M8 threads!


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