[FIX] Android 5.0.x Memory Leak/Battery Drain Issue Xposed Module topic


For those who experiencing battery draining issue with Android 5.0.x due to memory leak here's a fix using Xposed module. You can use this module while waiting for a stable Android 5.1 custom rom for our very own Mi3/Mi4 device. DON'T FORGET TO HIT THANKS IF I HELPED YOU. ;)

-Android 5.0.x
-Xposed Installer
-Fix Lollipop Memory Leak Xposed Module


Fix Lollipop Memory Leak by tonyp

A module to get rid of the infamous Android 5.0.x ColorFade memory leak bug.

As Xposed still didn't receive an official update for Android 5.1 I hope this can make the wait a little bit easier.
Same goes for those poor fellas who didn't receive a 5.1 update, yet.
This particular Memory Leak got fixed by Google in Android 5.1, so there's no use of installing this module on Android versions other than 5.0, 5.0.1 and 5.0.2 (in fact it will detect 5.1 and disable itself).

The leak apparently happens due to the Screen Off animation not releasing it's ressources.
I followed the official Android 5.1 patch to fix this issue with Xposed.

This module is intended to be used with AOSP and GPE ROMs, but should work on vendor ROMs (HTC, LG etc.), too.
Based on feedback from this thread it has positive effects on Motorola and LG devices, too.
There's no need to use it on up-to-date CM12 ROMs, they already applied the patch in question.

A memory leak in the SystemUI exacerbates over time, so it gets worse the longer your device is in use and hasn't been restarted.
More and more memory gets allocated but not released thus the available memory for other apps to claim is lessened gradually over time.
Additionaly keep in mind that there are several memory leaks in Lollipop (although this is probably the worst one).
Google fixed the ColorFade Memory leak with some others in Android 5.1 but still missed at least one major leak.
While memory leaks are quite common and probably happen to some extent in pretty much all software releases it seems as if Google has been quite sloppy in that field lately.

The module is open source, so you can validate the code and possibly send me pull requests.

Update: So far the feedback for this module has been nothing but positive.
It seems like this module truly benefits devices with Android 5.0


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